
Posts Tagged ‘young’

Toddler Yoga a great way to keep your little ones active on those days you just can't make it outside| indiasroses.com

My daughter loves to watch me do yoga and try out the different poses, but eventually, usually after a few moments she gets bored with it and would rather use my strange positioning as a jungle gym. Shortly after she started doing this I found the most wonderful Yoga channel on Youtube. It’s called Cosmic Kids Yoga and it’s absolutely fantastic! The instructor Jamie, is a wonderfully cool blend of Mary Poppins and that perfectly balanced “yoga” frame of mind. She’s keeps the sessions fun and exciting while working real yoga poses into the stories and giving tips on posture and positioning. My daughter loves it, and honestly so do I.

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Making Contemporary Art with Children | indiasroses.com

My daughter loves to do art projects and I love to do art projects with her so I’m always looking for ways to help her make art that can be easily displayed and add to the eclectic charm of our home. We’ve been doing a lot of painting lately and she just loves making hand prints, which is where I got the inspiration for this sophisticated, Contemporary Black, White and Red hand print painting and the best thing about it is it’s a wonderful project for all ages! (more…)

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Sharing your favorite pastimes with your children | indiasroses.com

What do you love to do? What are those things that just make you happy no matter what? Though I don’t get the opportunity to do it very often one of my great loves in life is working with clay. It’s like reconnecting with the earth and immersing yourself in the very base of nature. The way the cool body feels against my warm hands and the smell of earth that emanates up as I wedge it into a more useful form. The way clay makes me strong both physically from the pure force needed for manipulation and mentally because it’s truly one of my most peaceful and centered places; the endless possibilities each bag possesses and how with the right technique and proper dedication you can turn it into anything imaginable. It’s bliss, pure, earthy, messy, cool, bliss.

As you can probably tell clay is my happy place, and I think that anything that makes a person happy on that level is not only a gift to ones self, but a gift you can so easily share with your children. Have you ever been completely taken by someone talking about something they were truly passionate about? So absorbed in their words you found the interest almost contagious because it obviously makes the speaker feel more alive? I have, and there’s not difference for children.

Whether it’s sitting at the wheel with me or curling up in here Daddy’s lap while he plays a game on the computer my daughter is entranced by anything we show passions for, and the level on which we are able to connect and share with her the things we love is amazing because not only are we being filled with a sense of happiness by doing what we love we are overcome with a sense of pride as we watch our daughter, the person that we made from love, as she learns to love and appreciate the things that mean so much to us.

Sharing your favorite pastimes with your children | indiasroses.com

So get out there and share with your kids. Don’t expect anything from them, but give them the opportunity to amaze you with the interests and new light they can shed on your most cherished pastimes.


Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment and/or ask questions.


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